I’m not infallible.

Perfection is unobtainable, no matter how hard we try. Yet for some reason we are always reaching and hoping for it. At times we feel we have it, that things are falling into place and everything seems wonderful. Then there are times of disaster where it seems like our mistakes out weigh out success. Fortunately, we usually we fall somewhere in the middle.

At the moment I feel like I am firmly in the negative extreme. Although things are getting done, and for the most part correctly, every step feels like a fight to the death. I am not foolish enough to think that I am infallible, but I hate to feel like I leave disaster in my wake. I know that most of these feelings are in my head trying to overwhelm me and I am doing my best to take each failed attempt and learn from it. Not all lessons are easy to understand, but usually the toughest ones hold the most growth.

In time the pendulum will swing, and the frustration of these negative moments will be a thing of the past. Right now I am hanging to the hope of better days while I swallow the disappointing moments of now. In the great words of Anne Shirley “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

Tomorrow will be a little bit easier and I will become a stronger me everyday.

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